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article and blog reviews (15)

From Intelligent Design Novice to Fan: A Quick Postmortem of Some Twitter Discussion

Retweeting and commenting on the last in a series of articles by the Discovery Institute’s Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture (CSC)’s Dr. Jonathan McLatchie, a molecular and cell biologist, got me briefly embroiled in some discussions with the disciples of a YouTube “science educator.” Though the “educator” himself contributed the first tweets, the way he conducts himself on Twitter can’t rightly be called “discussion.” The initial interactions with him…

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Dark-World Animadversions and Other Remarks

Will you ignore the stern friar warning you to repent?[0] A new prompted letter and some delayed-release items related to the use and meaning of certain terms follow. Also, like the last post and the post before that, this one includes materials dating back a while. As a result, some items may feel dated. Since I’m not greatly concerned about keeping up with the latest news cycle, just about applying eternal principles…

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Akashic Records Prompt Letters

Since most things that occur to me, and to most people, do turn out to have occurred to someone else before (Ecclesiastes 1:9), I fear I must credit this and all my posts to the mystical Akashic records, that storehouse of all that sentient beings have ever thought or done or experienced….[1] Just kidding. It is past time for a new “[things] prompt letters” post, however. Though I doubtless violate rules of…

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Compulsiveness Prompts Letters, Emails, and (So Much) More

Welcome to this latest edition in my “...Prompts Letter(s)” series. The materials following should bring you and this site up to date. Not addressed in detail in my various items below, though touched upon by one of them, is the efforts by Democrats to claim the moral high ground based on Trump’s long history of poor personal morals and on the simultaneous widespread support of Trump by self-identified evangelical Christians. As indicated…

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Random Topics Prompt Letters

I’ve continued to enjoy my new letters-to-the-editor hobby, though none of the letters I sent this past week has made it into print. (Nor has any of them shown up on the paper’s Web site, assuming the site’s search function isn’t missing anything.) While my outside-the-mainstream views and direct contradiction of the Opinion page’s editorial staff could play a role, I think the main reason none of this latest batch has been…

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Letters & Longer Item Posted Elsewhere

I took some time to check the San Diego Union-Tribune (SDUT) site to see if any of my printed, or my unprinted, letters or other submissions had ended up being posted there. It turns out a few of the printed ones have (all title are those assigned by the paper’s editors): (1) “Your Say | Facebook’s future? Tech giant brought it on itself” (I meant for this particular tech giant to represent…

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E-Letter Prompts E-Letter: “Natural” Law & Rights

Image: based on a Wikimedia Commons photo by Vitold Muratov, used under the Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license. Derivative work by David M. Hodges, reusable under the same license terms. On 04 February, I received an interesting fundraising email from the national office of the political party with which I’m affiliated, the Constitution Party. Written by Nicholas Kontgas and titled “Roadmap to Socialism: The Democratic plan to bring about a socialist revolution…

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My Sad Farewell to Reddit, with Thoughts on Faith and Experience

As it happens, my Reddit post was “removed [by a Reddit moderator] as it violate[d] Reddit‘s content policy with respect to personal and identifying information.” Since I am philosophically opposed to anonymous Internet posting (If you’re not willing to identify yourself, nothing you post deserves to be read, respected, or considered—certain whistle-blowers and the like might be an exception to this rule), thus ends the short, happy life of my Reddit exploration.

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Protest Unwarranted: Robertson's Remarks Were Just Ducky

No sooner had I recovered sufficiently from an illness to watch some news than I was greeted by a story highlighting once again the sorry state of our dieing culture. Members of the homosexual lobby (known in corrupt contemporary English as “gays”) apparently read GQ, since their (as always) loud and emotional condemnation of public statements unfriendly to their irrational and unbiblical worldview has gotten Phil Robertson, patriarch of the hugely popular…

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Noah's Ark & Other Boats: Responding to a Craigslist Post

Re: abitwiser, “how the [expletive deleted] could Noah know with any” (posted 27 November 2013, accessed 28 November 2013), which rejects the Bible's flood narrative based on the belief that other persons than Noah should have been able to survive, since surely there must have been other people with boats. Although the remarks that follow are addressed to Craigslist (CL) user abitwiser (as “you”), I have posted them here rather than on…

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Hoping the Best for C.S. Lewis: Reflections on Robbins — Part 3

Before we proceed with part 3, here is the essential-to-quote notification you loved reading in parts 1 and 2: That taken care of, here is the contents listings for this third and final part of the series: This part opens with a continuation of Robbins’s discussion of Lewis’s conversion, which Robbins would likely label an alleged conversion. Robbins begins with a further quote from Lewis: He then launches into his analysis: Again,…

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